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Controlled Study Confirms Andemar Deicit is Safe for Pets

Andemar Deicit, a pet-safe deicer created by Andemar Dust and Ice Control Ltd., was recently tested to ensure its safety for pets. Andemar commissioned a controlled study led by experts Dr. James Templeman, PhD, and Dr. Elad Rosenfeld, DVM, to examine its effects on dogs.

Study Details

30 dogs were repeatedly exposed to Andemar Deicit to observe potential issues such as paw lesions or abnormal water loss.
The results showed no harmful effects on the dogs compared to a placebo group.

This research confirms that Andemar Deicit is a safe choice for pet owners concerned about deicers.

Research Team:

Dr. James Templeman, PhD, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Companion Animal Nutrition, University of Guelph

Dr. Elad Rosenfeld, DVM, Primary Research Consultant, University of Guelph

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